software showcase

The following is a list of links to Case-Based Reasoning tool vendors and consultants. You can add details of your own tool or consulting organisation to this list by using the ai-cbr information form.

There are now many commercially available Case-Based Reasoning development tools. Each has different functionality and will suit different requirements. If your organisation is wondering which tool to use you may be interested in ai-cbr's consultancy and training services. A full review and feature comparison of Case-Based Reasoning software is given in the recent book Applying Case-Based Reasoning - techniques for enterprise systems. An older review of some of the most widely used Case-Based Reasoning tools is also available in A Review of Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Tools.

If you are planning to develop a CBR system you may find some useful help in the Case-Based Reasoning Product Experience Base (CBR-PEB) - this on-line system lets you find information on CBR systems similar in specification to your own.

software vendors

The following companies all sell CBR tools (and usually offer consultancy). Each link gives a description of the tools, its application suitability, platforms supported and contact information.

If you're looking for an AI  tool not listed here try the G6G Directory of Intelligent Software.



The following organisations all provide CBR consultancy.


academic software

The following sites have CBR tools that are in the public domain (freeware). Some have restrictions on commercial use.

MLNET maintains an extensive list of ML tools, many of which are free for academic use.

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