the cbr bibliography

(Note: this bibliography was written in 1997 - consequently you will not find references to publications after that year. At the time it was the most comprehensive bibliography on CBR. For more current CBR references use the ai-cbr online bibliography database)

Although Case-Based Reasoning is a relatively new discipline there are an ever increasing number of papers, reports and books being published on the subject. In this context, the objective of this bibliography is to help guide an interested person quickly through this literature, so you can easily identify references relevant to you.

This bibliography is organised as follows:

  • Section one presents you with the essential library of CBR publications. These works, present a comprehensive picture of the history, development and application of CBR.
  • Section two is devoted to papers that refer to the origins of CBR, the domains where CBR has succeeded, the tasks it can perform and finally to papers that give a background or survey of CBR.
  • Section three is devoted to CBR techniques, including case representation, indexing, case memory, case retrieval and adaptation.
  • Section four, focuses on the practical application of CBR, including software tools and by listing papers that refer to applications. Both academic demonstrators and commercial systems are included.
  • Finally, section five concerns papers on the co-operation between CBR and different reasoning methods, and papers relating to CBR and analogy.

Because a single work may refer to several subjects we have decided to include the full reference to the work in all relevant categories, rather than referring readers to a single bibliography. We feel that this results in less work for you. If you cannot find your publication in this bibliography please tell us by using the ai-cbr Information form.

table of contents

Essential Readings

The Origins of CBR

CBR Techniques

Applied CBR

Hybrid CBR