table of contents

Please note that ai-cbr is no longer being maintained - consequently there may be many broken links!

home - the centre of the known CBR Universe!
contact us - details of our mailing address, phone, fax, email, etc...
news - all that's new and happening in the CBR world

applying case-based reasoning - details of Ian Watson's CBR book (hey it's his site)
bibliography - an online bibliography of 700 CBR publications (closed)
featured paper - download a classic CBR paper
featured researcher - visit the featured researcher's web site
featured project - learn more about a CBR project
featured book - we recommend books for you to read
iccbr-99 photo report - report on the 3rd. Int. CBR Conference
software showcase - reviews of CBR tools and vendor information


applied CBR - links to commercial applications of CBR
career opportunities - jobs and research positions
case-base archive - case bases you can use
CBR conferences - calls for papers, proceedings and conference reports
CBR people- links to people involved in CBR
CBR projects - links to research projects
CBR research centres - links to CBR research centre homepages
classroom - drop in here if you want to learn more about CBR
consultancy & training - we can help you build that CBR system
members at ai-cbr dot org - join, use (or leave) our mailing list
virtual library - bibliographies, books and papers on CBR

sponsorship - like what you see? why not sponsor ai-cbr?
feedback form - tell us what you think of our web site
information form - tell us about yourself and we'll tell the CBR world about you
about us - no prizes for guessing what this is about