
IET - Intelligent Electronics' TechMate 5.2 is a problem resolution tool for complex equipment production, service and maintenance environments. It combines model-based reasoning with case-based reasoning. TechMate 5.2 combines advanced algorithms with the outcome of extensive research. Diagnostic assessments are based on hierarchical probabilistic inference networks, adapted for testing and diagnosis. This adaptation extends to TechMate 5.2's knowledge base, which uses universal knowledge about testing, service and maintenance to dramatically reduces the time required to model a sytem compared to conventional methods. Its Dynamic Test Selection is based on information theory techniques, combined with real-life considerations through which test sequences are actually possible and effective, regardless of their theoretical information content. TechMate 5.2's learning tool combines statistical methods with manipulation of the probabilistic inference network, as well as model-based learning.

A full review and feature comparison of other CBR tools is given in the recent book Applying Case-Based Reasoning - techniques for enterprise systems.


application suitability

Diagnostic fault finding of complex equipment



Windows 95/98 & NT



IET - Intelligent Electronics
70 Blanchard Road
Burlington, MA 01803
Tel: 888.IET.3308 or 781.272.5903
Fax: 781.272.6409