
Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. (SHAI) performs artificial intelligence research and development for the government and private sector. They maintain knowledge of a wide range of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, including Case-Based Reasoning, so they do not force a client's problem into one favorite type of solution. "Our work is split evenly between research and development. Our research work complements our development work by keeping us abreast of the latest AI techniques, including those developed in-house. Our development work complements our research work by providing realistic domains in which to perform the research. Many researchers outside SHAI have a tendency to study unrealistic domains and their resulting techniques often do not scale-up well to real problems." In particular they sell and support the ESTEEM CBR tool.

A full review and feature comparison of the tools is given in the recent book Applying Case-Based Reasoning - techniques for enterprise systems.



Stottler Henke Associates, Inc. (SHAI)
2016 Belle Monti Avenue
Belmont, CA 94002, USA
Phone 650.655.7242
Fax 650.655.7243